this is your conspiracy theory. mutter it in bars, scream it on street corners, keep it to yourself for fear of reprisals from
the Venusian commander-in-chief, do what you want with it. good luck.
please note: we can't guarantee a coherent theory. it may even be self-contradictory. this hasn't mattered to generations of conspiracy theorists, why should it matter to you?
"Why can't anyone see that Osama bin Laden is being mind conrolled by the Venusian commander-in-chief? It's all so that MI6, hidden in a secret HQ near Moscow can bring world civilisation to an end. After that, the Venusian commander-in-chief will establish a New World Order when the disorder caused by MI6 reaches a peak. The only thing we can do is let Rambo put together a militia to stop them. "
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